Gans gig update

Berkeley tomorrow night with Sycamore Slough String Band! Then I head east for solo gigs in Missouri and Ohio, and another run with the Rumpke Mountain Boys. In February, I return to Arizona and New Mexico (and I’m looking for a place to play in the LA area on Thursday, February 13). In March, I’d thrilled to be returning to the Suwannee SpringFest! And more. Read on! More details, links, etc at


Sunday, January 5: Sycamore Slough String Band w/Jacob Groopman at the Ashkenaz, 1317 San Pablo Ave., Berkeley CA.

Thursday, January 9, 8pm: The Focal Point, 2720 Sutton Blvd, Maplewood MO $10 advance, $15 at the door.
Friday, January 10: House concert in Oxford OH. Potluck at 6, music at 7. Suggested donation $15. Email me for info/reservation.
Saturday, January 11, 7:30pm: Plain Folk Cafe, 10177 State Route 132, Pleasant Plain OH
Sunday, January 12: House concert in Delaware OH. Potluck at 6, music at 7.Suggested donation $15. Email me for info/reservation.

Tuesday, January 14: Rumpke Mountain Boys and DG at Stanley’s, Cincinnati OH
Wednesday, January 15: Rumpke Mountain Boys and DG at Beachland Ballroom, Cleveland OH
Thursday, January 16: Rumpke Mountain Boys and DG at Frankie’s Inner City, Toledo OH
Friday, January 17: Rumpke Mountain Boys and DG at the Mousetrap, Indianapolis IN
Saturday, January 18: Rumpke Mountain Boys and DG at Woodlands, Columbus OH
Sunday, January 19: Rumpke Mountain Boys and DG at Lamasco Bar and Grill, 1331 West Franklin Street, Evansville IN 47710Evansville IN

Thursday, January 30, 2pm PST: Sycamore Slough String Band plays live on KRSH 95.9 Santa Rosa CA with host Andre De Channes

Friday, January 31, 7:30 pm. DG and Phil Savell: acoustic improvisation, with Zach Partain on bass. Cubby Sedgwick opens. $10-20 sliding scale. Monkey House Theater, Berkeley CA. for info. reservations (recommended)

Saturday, February 1, 8pm: Keith Kenny and DG at the Subterranean Arthouse, 2179 Bancroft Way, Berkeley CA. 510-508-3492

Saturday, February 8, 9am to 1am PST: The annual KPFA Grateful Dead fund-raising marathon. Broadcast live on KPFA 94.1 in northern California, KFCF 881 in Fresno CA, and webcast via

Friday, February 14: House concert in Scottsdale AZ. Potluck at 6, music at 7:30. Suggested donation $15. Email me for info/reservations.
Saturday, February 15, 8 pm: Top Dead Center and DG at the Boondocks Lounge, Tucson AZ
Sunday, February 16: Orpheum Theater, Flagstaff AZ. Doors at 6:30, show at 7. Joseph Langham opens. $5
Monday, February 17: House concert in Cornville AZ (near Sedona). Potluck at 6, music at 7. Contact me for reservations/info.

Friday, February 21, 7pm: House concert in Placitas NM. Contact me for info/reservations.
Saturday, February 22: Low Spirits, Albuquerque NM. 600 Pounds of Sin opens. Sponsored by Jams of Enchantment
Sunday, February 23, 7:30 pm: KTAOS Solar Center, #9 Ski Valley Road (NM 150), Taos NM

March 20-21: Suwannee SpringFest, Live Oak FL
March 27-30: Hoopla in the Hills, Athens OH

April 30-May 2 (tentative): Texas!

July 31-August 3: Gathering of the Vibes, Bridgeport CT

September: Phases of the Moon Music and Arts Festival near Danville IL. Details TBA


My performance schedule is posted at – new gigs are being added all the time.

As always, I’m in the market for house concert opportunities. If you see an open spot on my schedule in your general vicinity, let’s try to make something happen! And remember: word of mouth is a gigantic part of musicians’ promotion and publicity these days, so if you like my music, please spread the word about my gigs and recordings.

My recordings are available at

Great thanks to Jim Dunlop for providing me with first-rate strings for all my guitars!

Thanks also to Rick Turner for creating the amazing guitar I play on tour, the Renaissance RS-6.

If you want to be removed from this list, please send email to and I’ll take care of it ASAP.

Sycamore Slough String Band is an acoustic band focusing on the music of the Grateful Dead, with other fine songs popping up occasionally as well. With me are mandolinist/guitarist David Thom and bassist Roger Sideman. We held our first rehearsals at Megasonic Studio in Oakland in January 2012, confident that magic would be made, and we did indeed wind up with releasable music. “First Rehearsals” is available in FLAC, MP3, and CD on demand from – and in audiophile (96/24) from HDTracks –

Here are two videos from “First Rehearsals”:
New Speedway Boogie:

I’m also hawking “Desert Wind, Rollin’ River,” a studio recording of Americana type songs (including several originals) with my dear friend Eric Rawlins. We’ve been singing together, mostly at private gatherings, for more than 20 years. The recording was done in my living room by the great Stephen Barncard, who recorded “American Beauty” and David Crosby’s “If I Could Only Remember My Name…”) It’s available in FLAC, MP3, and CD on demand from Festivalink –
And in audiophile (96/24) from HDTracks:

More info on these and other releases at