The War on Some Drugs is irrational, inhuman, morally and logically indefensible, and unamerican. It’s exactly like the opposition to gay marriage: you can’t get anyone to make an argument that doesn’t eventually circle back on itself. How exactly is “the institution of marriage” harmed by allowing two people of the same sex to participate in it? How exactly is marijuana more dangerous than alcohol?
To me, the bottom line is the right to be left alone. Seems to me that is one of the cornerstones of liberty.
‘War on Drugs:’ A Foul Tragedy
By Garrison Keillor
In These TimesWe Democrats are at our worst when we try to emulate Republicans — as we did in signing onto the “war” on drugs that has ruined so many young lives.
The cruelty of the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 is stark indeed, as are the sentencing guidelines that impose mandatory minimum sentences for minor drug possession — guidelines in the 1986 Anti-Drug Abuse Act that sailed through Congress without benefit of public hearings, drafted before an election by Democrats afraid to be labeled “soft on drugs.”
As a result, a marijuana grower can land in prison for life without parole while a murderer might be in for eight years. No rational person can defend this; it is a Dostoevskian nightmare, and it exists only because politicians fled in the face of danger.
That includes Bill Clinton, under whose administration the prosecution of Americans for marijuana went up hugely, so that now there are more folks in prison for marijuana than for violent crimes.
Read the rest. Keillor makes a very good case for the ugliness of this unholy war.
Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.
H. L. Mencken
It’s amazing how much in these supposedly enlightented times, that attitudes are still in play that were shaped in what seems like ancient history.
You’ve heard of people still fighting the civil war. the truth of the matter is we’re still fighhting the Spanish Inquisition!
I think that people should be responsible. That’s the primary consideration. Choices that affect you and do not hurt others should be allowed within the bounds of common sense and practical lawmaking.
I don’t advocate doing a lot of things. But I think you should have the freedom of (reasonable) self-determination.
Wow! You Go Keillor!
Follow the path of the almighty dollar. Marijuana and other “illegal” drugs will only become legalized when A) Lawyers stop making money defending drug users and trafficers, B) States stop getting Federal dollars to purchase vitally needed equipment, under the guise of the “War on Drugs”, C) Convicted Drug users and trafficers Jail populations plummet, D) The CIA stops needing money for “black projects” that is asked for from congress under the guise of the “War on Drugs”, E) People stop electing politicians who are “Tough on Drugs” regardless of the consequences, F) “Legal” Drug manufacturers stop lobbying Congress, G) Alcohol manufacturers stop lobbying Congress, H) Court systems slow down because there’s no one left to prosecute, I) Illegal Drugs stops equaling Money for Terrorism, etc.