Dead to the World – December 28, 2005
Playing in the Band
He’s Gone
Drums and bass->
The Other One->
Sing Me Back Home – Grateful Dead 12/12/72 Winterland, San Francisco
This is a show I’m pretty sure I attended. I know I went to two of the three shows in this run – I think the 10th and the 12th. I was still a baby Deadhead! The end of a great year for the GD. Bob Weir really came into his own as a songwriter – Ace came out, and
Angry Eyes – Loggins and Messina, Sittin’ In Again at the Santa Barbara Bowl
Shape Shifter – ALO, Fly Beteween Falls
Have You Seen the Stars Tonight? – Paul Kantner/Jefferson Starship, Blows Against the Empire
Running Wild and Looking Pretty (Theme Song for DJ Kitty) – Mushroom, Glazed Popems
Willie Taylor – Uncle Earl, She Waits for Night. A different twist on the “Jackaroe” story.
Three Legged Man – Chad Mitchell Trio, That’s the Way It’s Gonna Be. I heard the late great Steve Goodman do this song a number of times in the ’70s and ’80s, and never knew where it came from til I got these Mitchell trio reissues from Collector’s Choice. I was not even slightly surprised to learn that “Three Legged Man” was written by Shel Silverstein.
Third Rate Romance – Russell Smith, The End Is Not in Sight
Night Life – George Jones w/ Waylon Jennings, My Very Special Guests
Does the first commenter win a valuable prize?
I think this is a keen idea, but where are all the real Deadheads?
Somebody was asking about Egypy 78′ on the Archives. I sent them here for a free sample of live Grateful Dead music. Things heard on KPFA often make it to the GD Hour.
That “Estimated>Eyes” etc. wasn’t too bad either. We cannot really expect perfection from 25+ year old analog tapes. Listen to the studio albums in that case.
A friend of mine listens to XM satellite radio on the road. They played a mimi-marathon of several GD Hours one night several weks ago…
>Where are all the real Deadheads?
This is a brand new site. They’ll be along soon.
Regarding the Egypt ’78 tape (broadcast on December 21) – that probably will wind up on the national GD Hour pretty soon. The performance is very interesting – you can almost smell the hash through the speakers – but the recording has s lot of nasty little clicks and snats. I usually avoid recordings with that level of technical impairment, but the vibe on that tape is so compelling I had to play it.
The XM thing was Halloween – they do that every year.
“I usually avoid recordings with that level of technical impairment, but the vibe on that tape is so compelling I had to play it.”
Yeah, the Jack straw>Ship openers were just too bad even for my own private use. The 9-13 soundchecks and 9-16 show were the best quality recordings from Egypt. You have to sort out the rest and chose the decent tracks for yourself.
It’s easy to download your MP-3 files and the same thing works on other websites as well. Not much has really changed…
You scared me there. For a moment I thought that “Running Wild and Looking Pretty” was “Hot Child in the City” ugh…….
I also enjoyed that Estimated>Eyes from the 9/15 Egypt show. I’ve had the complete 9/16 show in my analog collection for a number of years now and have enjoyed that one too.
I just recently got onboard with the GD download series and burned a few shows to CD, so that’ll be a nice way to pick up some interesting shows too.
Looking forward to the Marathon in just about 3 weeks!