Walter Keeler (1957-2006)

We lost Walter this morning.
Walter Keeler was one of my “imaginary friends” – not imaginary at all, really, but one of the people I met and stayed in touch with primarily online, in The WELL. We had musical tastes in common, which is always a good basis for friendly dealings, and over the years I came to appreciate Walter’s deeply humane political and social views and his sharp wit. He was shy and quiet in person, but articulate and insightful in the text-only realm where we interacted most often. In political discussions (I am one of the moderators of a media forum in the WELL), Walter often summed up my own thoughts handsomely and incisively.
Walter was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last fall. He started a blog to keep his friends and family apprised of his treatment and his state of mind. The first entry was posted on November 18, recounting the events of November 7. As you read the journal, I think you’ll get a sense of Walter’s nature: a sensible, well-adjusted soul who faced his struggle bravely and wisely.
Having been through my wife’s battle with cancer – which had a much more positive outcome – I can only begin to imagine what Walter’s widow is feeling today. Helen Rossi is as sweet and funny and wise as her life partner was, and her account of Walter’s struggle – posted on the WELL and not readable from the web – was a model of clarity and compassion.
Theirs was one of those marriages that clearly worked. I’m sending all the love I’ve got to you, Helen. Life must go on.
Walter, We’re going to miss you.

5 thoughts on “Walter Keeler (1957-2006)”

  1. Wow, that’s heavy.
    Walter sounds like he was a wonderful person. I wish Helen the best, but that sounds so inadequate. . .
    Oh, Well.

  2. David,
    I’m a very dear and close friend of Helen and Walter for the past 20 years and have heard them mention you many times in our gatherings and conversations. Thank you for making this wonderful tribute. It meant the world to Helen as she sent it to me.
    Our hearts our heavy, but our souls are singing with Walter on the other side.

  3. I’m just finding this news of Walter’s death through a website for the high school we both went to. I knew Walter in high school in Houston and for a few years after that. Then he moved west to SF and we lost touch. It doesn’t surprise me that he has so many good friends.

    I’m grateful that you have organized this website.


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