Politicians & the gas crisis

Today’s SF Chronicle has two photos on the front page, with this caption:

House speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., departs in a hydrogen-powered car … after a news conference on gasoline prices in Washington – and then gets out and prepares to climb into a sport utility vehicle powered by gasoline…. Hastert and President Bush have called for an investigation into oil company profits.

The article, by Marc Sandalow, is titled “DRIVE LESS? POLITICIANS WON’T ASK: Republicans and Democrats rail against oil companies for the high price of gasoline — but they don’t dare suggest we change our ways”

1 thought on “Politicians & the gas crisis”

  1. The more expensive gas gets the better.
    You want to experience insanity – sit on an overpass on hwy 1 leading into downtown Austin during rush hour and see what % has only 1 person driving. Its like 99.99.


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