This is from my friend and colleague Paul Stubblebine:
Please join
pianist Pete Sears (Hot Tuna, Starship, Flying Other Brothers, etc.)
singer Spencer Day (Decca recording artist)
Paul Stubblebine (Coast Recorders)
for an opportunity to meet and mingle with Steve Thomas, candidate for Congress in the 11th Congressional District.
This district is important to all of us, whether we live and vote in that district or not. It is currently represented by Richard Pombo, who is (in my opinion) the posterboy for corruption in Congress, and the leader of the charge to remove all environmental regulation, among other troglodyte positions.
Friends, we have an opportunity to replace Pombo with someone we’ll actually enjoy supporting. No need to settle for a Hold-Your-Nose-and-Vote-For-A-Democratic nominee, no need to settle for a Demopublican nominee… there’s a genuine, progressive, back-to-the-future New Deal Democrat running.
Check Steve Thomas’ website to get a taste of what he’s about. Then come on down to Coast Recorders, San Francisco’s historic recording studio, on Saturday May 20th and meet him! Drop by any time between 4 and 7 PM. We’ll have the welcome mat out, and Steve will be happy to talk to you about his vision for a better future. Bring your checkbook – you just may want to help his campaign after you hear him speak. And at the very least, you’ll be able to say, “I knew Steve Thomas before he was co-opted.”
Coast Recorders
1340 Mission Street, between 9th and 10th, San Francisco
Plenty of parking, either on the street or in the lot behind our building, accessible from either 9th or 10th Street.
Steve Thomas has been going around saying that he’s the only real progressive running against Pombo, and it’s manifestly not true. Furthermore, he has absolutely no base of support within the district. And the funny thing is that his candidacy will only serve (to the degree that he actually gets any votes) to split the progressive vote in the primary and help elect the DLC-backed candidate.