“Two Cents” re the NSA

I’m in the SF Chronicle’s “Two Cents” reader-response column again today.
The question was, “Ever say anything on the phone you don’t want the NSA to hear?”
My favorite answer was from Jo-Anna Pippen:

I’m sure in the last four years I’ve said: “Michael Moore, shotgun, Internet, ACLU, Berkeley, indicted, Hillary, drugs, cell, data, gay marriage, SpongeBob, peace, France, oligarchy, bomb, cell, Cheney, contraception, AT&T, Democrat, 29 percent, White House, turd blossom, tequila, Jeb, firewall, NBC and New York Times.” I’m probably on a watch list already.

Read ’em all.

4 thoughts on ““Two Cents” re the NSA”

  1. I guess the regime is happy at least Iwreck is not the lead story with all the lies. Lets really get people’s mind off Iraq – let’s put a guy over the CIA that looks like Himmler (head of the SS) without a mustache.
    Throw in immigration – another diversion. Let’s add a total FU in New Orleans. Hey about the burglary of 20 million VA records. That should take the heat off.

  2. OK. The deal is that EVERYBODY has to say the likes of Marijuana, Revolution, Mullah etc etc in EVERY communication they make that can be monitored. Then the NSA/GCHQ (UK) bottom-feeders get MILLIONS of dodgy messages a day. What do they do then?
    Don’t be afraid of them. Spit in their faces and make them seem fools. They need to know that they work for US and that we are NOT their subjects.

  3. Caution – This is the raving of an ol fart who’s lived thru military and intelligence failures.
    We haven’t a clue if this NSA electronic “star wars” deal will work. I suspect its another profit center for somebody. People are actually still making $$ down here in Austin working on Reagan’s insane original star wars (missile defense) stuff like the super rail gun.
    Iraq is a quagmire but its like the biggest cash cow in history.
    Our military hasn’t won a major conflict in 60 years. Korea, Vietnam, Drugs, Al-queda, and now Iraq but they’ve made a lot of $$ for certain people.
    The only way the US won against the Indians, and WWII is that we more or less committed genocide to end the conflicts. The sad truth – this is the way Saddam kept power – killing innocent people – keeping them in fear.
    I don’t think Iraq is worth the genocide it would take to stabilze it. I think that’s what we’re training the native security force to do so we can get out.
    The sad fact is that Bush has lost points due to gas prices not Iraq. He’ll lose more points if the stock market plunges. Its sad but alot of people don’t care about Iraq or the NSA as long as the market is good. Just like Germans didn’t care what Hitler did as long as better jobs and $ came there way.
    I’m still glad I’m here and not over there. Very grateful. Glad people like Gans are still around – trufun live on!


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