From Steve Kimock:
I have good days and bad days. This is not one of my better days. My sense of loss, grief and confusion have been building slowly since Ramrod passed, and now with the news of Vince’s utterly tragic departure from this world, I am charged with the personal reflection and comparison of the loss of these two friends and brothers.
I can’t say enough good about Ramrod. Never will. Never could. In the brief time I had to work closely with him, his stability, determination, patience, strength, and capability completely changed my view of how a man could relate to his work and life by virtue of his character.
In my heart, I know that my friend Ramrod was at peace with his death,
As he was one with this world in his life.
Scatter the ashes and turn the page.
We will love and miss you forever.
Thanks man.
I don’t think Vince moved as easily through this world or into the next as Ramrod did. We had some great times, great gigs, and I learned more about harmony from Vince playing his music than I ever learned anywhere else. But through it all, he was possessed of a nervous, lonely energy that always seemed to be on the verge of teetering out of control.
I loved and respected Vince, and reached out to him when he needed energy I thought I could provide. It wasn’t enough. He needed more people to reach out to him. In more meaningful ways. He was important and special and fragile and somehow, I feel we failed him.
Look around you, look at this world. See the beauty in it. Now take responsibility for the darkness that we all feel when we turn our heads from our heroes and our friends, when we turn our backs on injustice and let that pain force us inside ourselves.
We all know people who are as important, special and fragile as Vince. Please reach out, please love, and ask nothing in return.
Lets not lose any more friends behind “too little too late.”
Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.
Better days ahead. Keep the faith.
Love, Deeply, S.K.
I’ve suffered from depession most of my life. I have contemplated suicide at different times in my life but my only attempt was trying to stab myself at age 11.
When tested I was, as a child, something like a 152 I.Q. I was bored to death with
the school curriculum at ages 8 through 17.
Now by some miracle after all my alchohol and drug years I’m still somethig like 116 to 126 at age 45.
One of the sponsors I had over the years in the twelve step program always said
that suicide was a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I sometimes
credit him with my still being alive.
Hope I made some kind of sense. Vincent Huff