Cheap-shotting Paul McCartney

I really need to have someone explain to me the San Francisco Chronicle’s reason for publishing Aidin Vaziri’s piece on Paul McCartney’s “When I’m 64” as Macca turns 64 himself. From where I sit, at age 52, it struck me as content-free, a poinltess attack on an obsolete coltural icon. Offending geezers is fine if you’re giving value to younger folks, but I’m hard pressed to see what anyone younger would get from this steaming heap.

Will we still need him, will we still feed him after tomorrow? That’s when Sir Paul McCartney fulfills the destiny of the worst song — “When I’m 64” — from the Beatles’ best album, “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.”

8. George Harrison died of throat cancer at 58.

Deep, ain’t it?

4 thoughts on “Cheap-shotting Paul McCartney”

  1. Pointless….and to compare to John at this point…who knows what kind of records John would have made (if any) had he lived. I give Paul credit for appearing to have survived Beatlemania more ‘sane’ than the other three.
    If you haven’t heard “Rinse the Raindrops” from Paul’s “Driving Rain” – give it a listen.

  2. Wow… The guy is being mean just for the sake of being mean. Cheeesh.
    It may not have been the greatest Beatles song, but it’s unbelievable how often I get asked to play it at my cover gigs (gotta pay the bills, ya know); I accompany myself on kazoo. Wonder what mister music would say about that?

  3. There’s a lot of people in the world who get off on being negative. In the case of this journalist, he’s just playing to his market.
    Unfortunately, negativity does sell in the media. I ignore most of it, except for the weather (which can affect my plans here in Chicago) and the Cubs’ box scores.
    And when I get confused …


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