Phil Lesh health update


Phil Update and Blood Donation News!
Update: 12.7.2006

Phil had surgery on Tuesday, December 5th at the Vattikuti Urology Institute at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, the leading center for prostate cancer and urology health in the US. The Vattikuti Institute developed the robotic surgery method used for Phil’s surgery, treats people from all over the world, and teaches the methodologies they have developed to many other doctors.

His surgery went very well, although he did require blood transfusions. He is already out of the hospital and is healing well.

The Unbroken Chain Foundation is asking phans to donate blood this month in honor of Phil. In honor of your commitment, UBC will donate $10.00 to the Vattikuti Urology Institute for every pint donated through December 31st, 2006 (to a maximum of $50,000).

After you have donated, please send an email to with the subject “I Gave Blood”. Please include your name, blood bank name, city, and state.

Thank you for your love and support. Phil looks forward to being back making music with you soon.


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