4 thoughts on “Best bumper sticker ever!”

  1. David, this `logblog’-thing is your blog isn’t it? So, I’m puzzled. Why would you make an entry here about somebody’s bumpersticker? What are you pointing out? What does the phrase “…What is wrong w/ you people? ..” mean to you? What esoteric hidden joke is contained in there?
    I’ll tell you what I think you think you’re pulling. When you answer – the owners of the bumpersticker were on their way to a RichardThompson-concert & had the good-sense to be on their way to a RThompson-concert when the rest of the world wasn’t going to that concert, & thus “… What is wrong w/ you people? ..” is innocently nothing but a rhetorical question posed by music-fans enthusiastic for a performer. — I suppose the phrase could be used ambiguously like that. But when you answer that way, … I’m not really going to believe you.
    I think it’s political. I think your calling of attention to such a phrase has all kinds of meaning to you beyond anything to do w/ some guy’s music. “… What is wrong w/ you people? ..” is a question being asked by a dreamy smarter-than-thou leftist elitist cynic, speaking rhetorically to all the hoi-polloi intellectually-challenged dim-wits across the country who continue to support the war, who continue to have faith – despite your-side’s best efforts to erode or tear-down or obfuscate that faith – that in the long-term, using the military-power of theUS to force a social & polity-model change in the Arab keystone state of Iraq will prove a wise move, & who continue (haltingly) to comprehend that theLeft & theLeft-friendly media’s obfuscation is propaganda aimed @ playing them for suckers.
    As a life-long solid but now former Democrat (I wrote in EugeneMcCarthy’s name in 1968 & voted for AlGore in 2000), & Vietnam-vet former ardent socialist – I suspect most leftys are too inflexible, too shallow, & too emotionally-blocked to be able to turn that phrase around & point it @ themselves. The Islamofascists HATE women, they HATE gays, they HATE freedom, they HATE life, they HATE rock-music — & theLeft ISN’T at the forefront of the fight against that kind of enemy? ??? “… What the fuck is wrong w/ you people? ..” Instead, you hate Bush – why?, because you think he stole your `cause-for-the-people’. For all your smarter-than-thou slogans, theLeft is actually pretty small. Oh wait!, what’s that you say – the Muslim-extremists are responding this way because they just feel threatened? You say they’d just be nice if we’d, “Co-exist”? !!! You know, I think I’ll believe what they say, is what they really are saying.


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