1 thought on “Dead to the World 8/27/08”

  1. Dear David,
    I was caller #3 and won tickets on Dead to the World()08/27/08) to see Phil just wanted to say thank you. They were a cosmic gift from the universe and I am very thankful. I want you to know I spirtualy try to consciously project the LOVE (AGAPE) that is in in the whole audience and in the beautiful ocean breezes to all the musicians but especially Phil as I feel he needs more regenerating because of all the pressures he has to feel ( as I’m sure you know already the vibrations of the people and the music can be felt in the wind).Healing is being givin to all of us
    experiencing the music and when we all experience it together the people, the musicians,the ground, trees, ocean,sky and sun the healing goes a little deeper. Even if it’s not the best show the fact that we all can hang out near each other regenerates a part of us that understands the one language we humanbeings can understand so much more fully than any spoken language.I am of the new generation and don’t have years of tour exsperience or whatever people pretend makes you an excpert on music but I know truth and healing, people are finally starting to heal from Jerry’s death.I belive his spirit is guiding this scene to Understand Love in a different way. I see so much how everyones love for Jerry has manifested into a brotherly love for each other!

    Feeling the Energy Rise+

    PS: I know there are other sensitive
    Shaminesc people out there that feel
    me and are sending that loving energy up
    into the cosmos and into the hearts of the musicians
    they listen to.To all musicians everywhere thank you for dedicating your lives to learn the technical skills to communicate the messages of the universe the most important one being you are loved and it’s gonna be all right .


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