4 thoughts on “Deborah Koons Garcia on “The Garcia Tapes””

  1. There is hope…it is just so sad that it has taken this long. I really hope it all works out…finally.

    Can’t wait for the Marathon, David.

    Take care

    Sam Glen
    Jönköping Sweden

  2. The music is out there whether they wanna release it or not. There nothing to gain by hoarding it from the fans. Lets get on with the show…

  3. The music is out there whether they wanna release it or not. There is nothing to gain by hoarding it from the fans. Lets get on with the show…

  4. Thanks for posting this…I am assuming these tapes were what was making up the “Pure Jerry” series…which I love and own all of em, so I hope the online archive Deborah talks about becomes a reality.


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