Dead to the World 7/29/09

Dupree’s Diamond Blues – Grateful Dead, Dick’s Picks vol. 26 (4/26/69)

Hard to Handle
Me and Bobby McGee
Cold Rain and Snow
The Rub
Playing in the Band
Friend of the Devil
China Cat Sunflower->
I Know You Rider
Casey Jones
– Grateful Dead 4/25/71 Fillmore East, New York City

Listen to the Flower PeopleSpinal Tap, This is Spinal Tap soundtrack
Gimme ShelterRolling Stones, Let It Bleed

Eyes of the World->
Darkness, Darkness
You Ain’t Woman Enough to Take My Man
Donna Jean Godchaux Band with Jeff Mattson 7/23/09 Gathering of the Vibes, Bridgeport CT

7 thoughts on “Dead to the World 7/29/09”

  1. Wow. When the band was on, making those shifts … just wow.

    Tomorrow night, Powell St. John, electric and acoustic band sets on the Hear & Now.

  2. I think Powell St. John wrote, Baby Bye Bye from the 1st Big Brother album. Definatly, one of Janis Joplin’s greatest records.

  3. Yes, indeed. Good call. As a founding member of Mother Earth, he was known as R.P. St. John and wrote Living With the Animals, Marvel Group, and other classics on the first two ME albums.


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