2 thoughts on “Olbermann on congresspeople for sale”

  1. I haven’t paid attention to KO since he was a sports jockey on ESPN.

    Tell us something that we don’t already know. Go to the book store and get a copy of PJ O’Rourke’s A PARLIAMENT OF WHORES. Most of those losers are bought and paid for by their biggest contributors…

  2. Remember hearing stories about how in the 1920s & ’30s in Germany, Nazis would thuggishly go around beating & clubbing their political-opponents & Jews? Breaking skulls & wreaking property, labeling & libeling the awful Jews, & intimidating political adversaries? Oh-but, that can’t happen here! The wonderful Obama’s minions wouldn’t do that. Labor-unionists in StLouis wouldn’t do that to black libertarian KennethGladney. Right-winger NationalSocialistDemocrats in Germany maybe did that kind-of thing – but nice liberal progressive SocialistDemocrats in America in 2009 never would. The power-wielder’s elitist insularity, paranoia, hatred-of-criticism, & trying to get union-goons to “bust effin’ heads”, or get people to snitch on their fellows for “fishy speech” to end protests — yeah fersure, that was all in the past or somewhere-else. Your fellating embrace of the Obamination & swell delight in MSNBC whores shows you’re a social-leadership fraud Gans. There is one guy now saying people in the `arts-community’ & those who make their living plying the `arts’ – are not meeting your duty to ALWAYS question those in power. A link to him: http://reason.com/news/show/135293.html


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