If any of you know any college students who might be interested in an internship at Sirius/XM (and specifically the GD and JamOn channels), they are recruiting right now. Here’s the info:
Requirements for internship: Must be at least 18 years old. Must be enrolled in a college or university and be receiving academic credit for the internship (all internships are UNPAID). Must work a minimum of 20 hours per week; no more than 40.
SIRIUS XM Radio Music Programming Interns receive hands-on experience with the day-to-day operations needed to successfully program a radio station. Interns are asked to load, edit and properly mark intros and cross fades on all audio in automation system (Nex Gen Prophet/Dalet). Segue talent voice breaks; monitor audio levels and report issues. Gain an understanding of music scheduling software (Music Master/Powergold) and assist with database maintenance; adding music and non-music elements into rotation, research back-fill information (label, composer, etc.), if not supplied. Review various types of audio and isolate pieces for on-air use through Adobe Audition; listener phone calls, artist interviews, liners, or IDs. Assist with maintenance of CD Music Library; includes database up-keep, labeling and filing new music CDs, interviews and live performances. Other responsibilities are included.
Please contact jamon@siriusxm.com with your resume details with FALL INTERNSHIP in the subject line so we can easily spot your email.
There is a new DVD movie out about the whole Sirius XM history called: Stock Shock. Very good flick and explains stock market manipulation as well. Stock Shock is at amazon.com and stockshockmovie.com
Well, a college student I am not. But a longtime Deadhead with a fair amount of social/technical abilities I am…. Tom Rowen