DG’s bay area gigs in December

Thursday, December 9, 9 pm: Casey Neill and DG at the Starry Plough, 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley CA. (510) 841-2082. DG plays first. (Collisionville had to cancel due to an injury.)

Friday, December 10, 8 pm: Dedicated Maniacs and DG at the Brookdale Lodge, 11570 Hwy 9, Brookdale CA – in the Santa Cruz Mountains of northern California.

Sunday, December 12, 7 pm: The Poster Room (upstairs bar) at the Fillmore in San Francisco. Pre-show and between-sets entertainment. Black Crowes on the main stage.

Saturday, December 18, 7:30 pm: Songs of Sweet Surprise! DG, Ira Marlowe, and The Secret Identities (Mario DeSio and Kenny Dinkin) at the Art House Gallery, 2905 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley. $10. 510-482-3336

Wednesday, December 22, 8 pm: Rubber Souldiers TRIO at Iron Springs Pub and Brewery, 765 Center Blvd., Fairfax CA. No cover! Great food and beverage, of course!

Thursday, December 23, 8:30 pm: DG opens for Cryptical at George’s, 842 Fourth Street, San Rafael CA

Thursday, December 30, 9 pm: Rubber Souldiers at the Ashkenaz, 1317 San Pablo Ave., Berkeley CA

More info at dgans.com/gigs.html

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