1 thought on ““Conversations with the Dead” e-book”

  1. Off-thread. With your ill-considered “Dead For O!” benefits before the election in ’08, I’d say you lefty boyz have got this coming: what is the saying?: `they told me if I voted for JohnMcCain, we’d get 4 more yrs of GeoBush! – & they were right!!!’. Bush’s tax-cuts, Bush’s policies, Bush’s spending, division of the populace, Bush’s wars!!! You Obamatons are so full-o’-shit for complaining about the situation theKenyan “inherited” from Bush! You’ve stuck hard w/ Bush’s policies, haven’t even stopped the war – you’ve just insanely nation-hatingly quadrupled the debt! You’ve had 2 fucking yrs! Two yrs of total fucking control of the exec & legislative-branches, + a very compliant media – & you can’t even pass your illegals-amnesty act(DREAM)!!! IT IS NOT as you claim, that the country is full of SarahPalin racist reactionaries. Your HopeyChangey bullshit fell short because mush-brained “smart-people”(NOT) dopehead Leftists w/ your elitist-insularity ARE SO FUCKING INCOMPETENT!!! And it’s gonna be worse for you because more of us now – who used to be you, but unlike you, are capable of critical-thought – have really got a scope on how you use words in false-ways pretending small-r republican/small-d democratic principles – when in-fact(re: control of KPFA), you’re trying to hide your totalitarian-urges. When theHistoricZero paid his surprise-visit to Afghanistan earlier this month, Sketchy even wore the Shrub-alike bomber-jacket!!!! Bwhahahahaha!!!


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