The auctions have ended, and here are the winners:
“Jerry on Broadway” poster: Spreadhead Breck, $375
Photo by Jay Blakesberg: Nick Fletcher, $140
Photo by Bob Minkin: Neil Samuels, $200
Photo by Jon Sievert: Brian Stegner, $400
Bocanova gift certificate: Celeste Ambrose, $100
Postcards of the Hanging: Eric Eichorn, $80
Jerry Garcia I by Mark Erickson:
Peter Thompson, $125
Jason Rubinoff, $125
Jerry Garcia I by Mark Erickson:
Robin Russell, $350
Josh, $300
Hartman envelope filter
Jafar Thorne, $250
Jim Francis, $251
DiscoFreq, $220
A total of $2916 for KPFA. That’s great!
Do you contact the winners?