I am playing TWO shows at the Monkey House this week! Yes, it’s kinda nutso to play two nights in a row in the same venue, doing two different things. But “I contain multitudes,” or something like that. I hope you can come to one or both of these shows!
Thursday 3/9 with Joe Craven and Paul Kotapish. Joe and I have been performing together regularly for about a year now. We’re doing a more-or-less monthly thing at The Monkey House – Joe and me with a different third player every time. I know Paul from Wake the Dead, and Joe worked with him in that context (and maybe others). A mix of songs and improvisation.
Friday 3/10 with Joe Burke and Joe Rut. Three songwriters, performing separately and together.
Joe Rut and Joe Burke are two songwriters whose work I have long admired. I produced Joe Burke’s album Just Watching the Show a few years back, and that led to the creation of Yerba Buena Orchestra with many of the musicians who played on the album.
Joe Rut has released many records of music that is clever, wildly amusing, and deeply thoughtful. Check ’em out on Bandcamp! He and I have written three songs together so far, and we’re planning to collaborate some more!
Joe and Joe and I will have Jeff Hobbs with us, playing a variety of instruments.
Doors at 7, show at 7:30pm
$10-40 sliding scale
Reservations: ira@themonkeyhouse.org
The Monkey House, 1638 University Avenue, Berkeley CA