Bill O’Reilly, the emotionally-stunted creepazoid of Fox News, has teamed up with another of that network’s paid liars, John Gibson, to gin up yet another Weapon of Mass Distraction: “The War on Christmas.”
Gibson calls it a “Liberal Plot”; I call it something to do with the fact that we are not a Christian nation.
The campaign is just pathetic in its irrationality (which renews my hope that the loathsome fuck’s head is just gonna blow right off some day soon), but it has inspired some amusing responses. Here’s the latest brilliant sendup, from Rosa Brooks in the LA Times:
THE WHOS down in Who-ville
Were a tolerant lot:
Who Christians, Who Muslims — a Who melting pot
Who Hindus! Who atheists! Who Buddhists, Who Jews!
Who Confucians, Who pagans,
And even Who Druze! The Who 1st Amendment’s Establishment Clause
Said, “No creches in courts,” and the Whos loved their laws.
Because somehow … they worked. The Whos rarely fought,
Mostly, each Who did just what he ought.
Every Who down in Who-ville
Loved the Consti-Who-tion a lot.
But the O’Reilly, who lived up in Fox-ville,
Did NOT!
Read the whole poem
There has to be some way of quietly standing up to the hysterical and
irrational emotionalism of the far right. The more you listen to the likes
of O’Reilly, the more you see that they are emotionally arrested,
broken souls who project their fear into the world; others, not so
unfortunate, take advantage of these mentally ill megaphones to enact their
own evil agenda while the sturm und drang occupies the spotlight.
Update 12/17:According to the Plano (TX) Star-Courier, O’Reilly told a big-ass lie about a school in that town yesterday, and the school is not amused:
…O’Reilly said, “In Plano, Texas, just north of Dallas, the school told students they couldn’t wear red and green because they were Christmas colors. That’s flat-out fascism. If I were a student in Plano, I’d be a walking Christmas tree after that order….”
Richard Abernathy, an attorney for Plano ISD, sent an e-mail asking that O’Reilly correct the statement. The Plano ISD sent an electronic newsletter to parents stating that the statement was false. A statement is also posted on the school district’s Web site.
“What he said is not true,” Abernathy said. “We don’t prohibit kids from wearing red and green, yellow and purple. It doesn’t happen.”
Abernathy’s e-mail stated, “The District does not prohibit students from wearing red and green and it has not done so in the past. Demand is made that you retract the statement in a similar segment.
“Your use of the word ‘fascist’ is pejorative and inappropriate in this context,” Abernathy states. “Your slur smacks of McCarthyism and represents yellow journalism at its best….
A new front in the war on Christmas
I love this story by Joe Garofali in the Christmas Eve edition of the SF Chronicle: Gift rift: Evangelicals split over plan to ban presents Conservative religious leaders are so pleased with their campaign against the “war on Christmas” tha…