Jammin’ in Jamaica (2)

More from Jamm in Jamaica:
eKoostik Hookah had a personnel shakeup recently, with Ed McGee departing and founding member John Mullins returning. The Hookah fans at Jamm in Jamaica were very happy with the music they heard, and so was I. Here’s Steve Sweeney:


When they launched into “Cumberland Blues,” I jumped onstage to sing along, and then they invited me to stick around for another song (using Vince Herman’s acoustic guitar); Mullins and I sang “Wooden Ships.”
Friday, March 31, was the full-day festival with all the acts. I opened that day with Andy Goessling of Railroad Earth playing soprano sax. Andy plays a zillion instruments in RRE – Dobro, banjo, guitar, mandolin, soprano/alto/tenor sax, flute, etc. When we play together, I always want him to play soprano; I know lots of mandolinists and guitarists, but I don’t get many opportunities to play string-band music with a woodwind guy, and he’s so good at it. He stayed with me for my entire set.
My wife, Rita Hurault, took this picture of Andy and me onstage in Negril:
jambands.com has a short item about the festivities today.

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