I’ve been attending this conference for the last couple of years. It’s real scholarship, but it ain’t dry and academic. Great fun, actually. I’ve promised to give a presentation on “meta-Dead” and “anti-Dead” music at the 2007 meeting. – DG
The Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association 28th annual meeting
February 14-17, 2007
Hyatt Regency
Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Registration: https://www.h-net.org/~swpca/
Join us at the tenth gathering of the Grateful Dead Caucus at the SWPCA, featuring a host of nationally recognized scholars, special events, live music, and more, in both formal and informal settings. Opportunities for papers to be published!
Our keynote speaker this year is Dead lyricist John Perry Barlow!
Possible topics:
The Haight-Ashbury, the counterculture, and the Dead
The lyrics and music of the Dead
The sociology of the Deadhead experience
Myth and ritual in the Grateful Dead Experience
New Journalism and the Dead
The Grateful Dead, Jambands, and Related Music
* And more.
All approaches welcome! Contact (November 1 deadline):
Nicholas Meriwether MeriwetN@gwm.sc.edu
South Caroliniana Library
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
Gary Burnett gburnett@mailer.fsu.edu
College of Information
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306