Homeward bound!

The Atlanta airport was a mess – ground and air – on the day I flew home. I took this picture while stuck in traffic trying to return my rentacar.

Weather was bad all over the eastern half of the country, so lots of flights were delayed or cancelled. My flight to Denver was delayed by three hours, and the ticket agent was advising everyone in line to “fly another day.” Denver and Oakland were clear, so I said I’d rather fly to DEN now and stay overnight there if necessary (my manager lives there). He tapped on his keyboard for several minutes and then handed me a card showing a Delta nonstop ATL->OAK. “You can go to Denver if you really want to,” he said. Heh.

I may have been the only person in the airport whose travel day was improved by the nasty weather. Despite a delay of nearly two hours on the Delta flight, I wound up landing at OAK at just about the time I was originally scheduled to arrive.

My boarding pass was flagged for extra TSA annoyance, but even that wasn’t much of a bother. My exit row seat turned out to be the front row of the coach section of the 757, so I had all the legroom in the world.

A nice lagniappe at the end of the best tour ever.

1 thought on “Homeward bound!”

  1. DG, glad to have you back after your most excellent tour. Thanks for your stories from the road and also for the KPFA-LSB recommendations. Answers my question about which candidates would be most favorable to KPFA’s muscial offerings, in addition to the news and commentary.



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