Mark-> Commonweal update

Our campaign to send Mark and Maile to the Commonweal Cancer Help program is halfway home already!

As of this moment was have received $1768 in Paypal contributions, and $720 of checks are in the mail, for a total of $2488. That’s halfway to our goal of $5000! Of course, the first half is always easier than the second. Please spread the word to others in the community who love Mark and the music he makes – every bit of material and spiritual support is priceless. We have received donations ranging from $5 to $250 – no amount is too small nor (of course) too large.

You can make a contribution online via Paypal.

Or send a check, payable to David Gans, to 484 Lake Park Ave. #102, Oakland CA 94610-2730. If you can let me know how much you’re sending, I’ll add it to the total of pledges and Paypal contributions.

And once again, here are links to the objects of this campaign:

My original post about why we’re raising these funds

“Mark Karan gets some bad news”

Cancer Help Program at Commonweal

Jessie et Laurent

Updates on Mark’s treatment and a place to post your greetings

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