This is one of my occasional pleas for direct listener support. The Grateful Dead Hour continues to plug along in the radio business, adding a station here and losing a station there.
We just lost WXRT, our biggest affiliate, after nearly 20 years on the air. That’s a big one. We’re also about to lose WZZU/WZZI (Roanoke and Lynchburg VA). Add to that a (temporary, we are sure!) drop in sponsorships and things are kinda tight around here.
If you are in Chicago or Virginia and you’d like to help get the show back on the air, email me and I’ll keep you informed of our efforts and how you can help.
- If you care to make a direct contribution, visit the GD Hour’s “tip jar” for a link to our PayPal account. There are links for one-time contributions of any amount, and for a monthly gift of $5 or $10. Or you can send a check or money order to Truth and Fun, Inc., 484 Lake Park Ave. #102, Oakland CA 94610-2730.
- If you’re interested in sponsoring the GD Hour, please contact Dave Weissman, – we’ve had support from all kinds of businesses and individuals. If you have a product or service to promote to our audience, or if you just want to help the show survive and hear yourself thanked at the start and end of the show, we’d love to hear from you.
- Buy one of my CDs. As many of you know, I’m a musician as well as a radio producer, and I perform at music festivals, clubs, farmers’ markets, etc. all over the country. I have several CDs for sale at CDBaby. I have lots of audio samples of my work on the Tunes page. I’m also part of the growing House Concert movement – bypassing the beer bars and going direct to intimate performing spaces where everyone is there to hear the music. See for more information on this phenomenon, and contact me directly or through that site if you’d like to see about hosting a house concert.
Thanks so much for reading this, and for supporting the Grateful Dead Hour all these years. It’s been a tremendously rewarding experience to serve the music!
Cheers –
David Gans
(P.S. To those who have signed up for the monthly “radio shareware” subscription, THANK YOU!)
Hey David; isn’t it just cheaper to get Sirius in the long run? They were giving away free radios with a 6 month subscription for $49.95 just before the holidays. The Grateful Dead Hour is on every week.
They play 3 entire shows every day, for those, who don’t have the money or the room to stockpile their own vaults at home. Sirius is a good thing for a buddy of mine, who lives in an 18 wheel truck most of the time. I have more than enough GD, JGB, and the other bands for a lifetime…