Chris Cooper reviews Railroad Earth‘s Amen Corner in the Smoky Mounain News. An excerpt:
Amen Corner is a solid, nicely recorded album from the guys in RRE: one that shows them more comfortable in their collective skin than ever before. Mix this with the ever- growing songwriting skills of Todd Sheaffer, and Amen Corner might just be one of the best things the band has put out yet. For fans of the band already, this is a no-brainer. But if this disc serves as an introduction to Railroad Earth for some of you, it’s a darn fine place to start.
Read the whole review here.
This is the best written review of this CD that I’ve seen yet. Amen Corner reminds me so much of American Beauty because of its’ quality from song to song. It’s really, really hard to pick out any one favorite. As on American Beauty, they’re all so good!
It’s a shame that more people don’t know about this band and this recording. The songs will reach into you and grab your soul, no matter who you are. But some of the songs are particularly special for anyone who’s ever been a parent. Amen Corner definitely has what it takes to stand the test of time.