Rachel Sedacca and DG in Redwood City CA 9/4

Rachel Sedacca asked me to post this from a fan of hers, Dan Curran of Devil’s Canyon Brewery:

My friend Rachel Sedacca is playing at Angelica’s Bistro in Redwood City along with David Gans. Tell em you’re there for the show!

Gans is credited by many for encouraging Grateful Dead bassist Phil Lesh to emerge from retirement. Lesh played several shows with David Gans and the Broken Angels in late 1997 and early 1998. Gans assembled interesting combinations of musicians for Lesh to jam with in a series of benefits for Lesh’s Unbroken Chain Foundation, culminating with a sold-out show at the Fillmore Auditorium in San Francisco on January 31, 1998. Shortly after that event, Lesh began assembling ensembles of his own and touring as Phil Lesh and Friends.

Rachel’s diverse repertoire includes her Americana flavored originals, as well as some favorites that she says, “need to be sung”. Inspired by the Janis of all trades style of Bonnie Raitt as well as the sounds of Lucinda Williams and Sheryl Crow, Rachel points to the years of Grateful Dead shows steeping her in an eclectic musical tea, appreciation for the fusing of genres and the ways of the road.

If you have never been to see live music at Angelica’s Bistro in Redwood City, now is the time to go! The show is Thursday, September 4, Rachel and David will be performing around 7:30pm (No Cover!) and owners Peter and Angelica Cuschieri will be running a special on Devil’s Canyon beers!

So. . . if you can work it into your busy schedule it is sure to be a lot of fun.

If you can please forward this to your friends that you think might be interested that would be great too!

On point is key: Make your reservation at 650-365-3226 but be sure to
mention that you are doing so because Rachel and David are playing (so
the artists get credit — and paid!).

The full posting with much more detail is on the brewery website.

Visit Rachel and see her tour schedule

Shout a “Hey Now” to David

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