“Rockin the Cradle: Egypt 1978” Preview on Sirius

David Lemieux, Grateful Dead archivist and the daily host of Today in Grateful Dead History on SIRIUS’ Grateful Dead channel, will host an hour-long premiere preview special highlighting the much-anticipated Egypt 1978 release.

Celebrating the Dead’s legendary performance at the foot of the Gizeh pyramids, this extraordinary release is not available to the public until September 30th, but you’ll get to hear the newly remastered music before anyone else!

September 17 at 7:00 pm ET with encore presentations on Mon Sept. 22nd at 7am, Wed Sept. 24th at 3PM, Fri. Sept. 26th at 6PM, Sat. Sept. 27th at 12AM ET, Sat. Sept. 27th at 4PM, Sunday Sept. 28th at 7PM ET.

1 thought on ““Rockin the Cradle: Egypt 1978” Preview on Sirius”

  1. Just got this 3cd (1DVD) set and its a super phenom of a show…..I don’t know why Bob And Jerry were so quick to call it a flop; I believe they said “we always blow the big ones” well I just don’t hear anything to complain about!


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