It was bad enough that Ms. Palin’s performance in the first televised interviews she has done since she joined the Republican ticket was so visibly scripted and lacking in awareness.
What made it so much worse is the strategy for which the Republicans have made Ms. Palin the frontwoman: win the White House not on ideas, but by denigrating experience, judgment and qualifications.
The idea that Americans want leaders who have none of those things — who are so blindly certain of what Ms. Palin calls “the mission†that they won’t even pause for reflection — shows a contempt for voters and raises frightening questions about how Mr. McCain and Ms. Palin plan to run this country.
…. The interviews made clear why Americans should worry about Ms. Palin’s thin résumé and lack of experience. Consider her befuddlement when Mr. Gibson referred to President Bush’s “doctrine†and her remark about having insight into Russia because she can see it from her state.
But that is not what troubled us most about her remarks — and, remember, if they were scripted, that just means that they reflect Mr. McCain’s views all the more closely. Rather, it was the sense that thoughtfulness, knowledge and experience are handicaps for a president in a world populated by Al Qaeda terrorists, a rising China, epidemics of AIDS, poverty and fratricidal war in the developing world and deep economic distress at home.
I can’t suppose anything more than you are using theNYTimes to preach to the choir. Anybody who pays any attention to much that goes-on in the world NOW, already knows theNYT is not credible for objective journalism or sensible opinion. Their main function since Bush became POTUS has been as an anti-American leak-machine for theCIA. And as far as your posting theNYT to give believed-legitimacy to your weakness of Palin-hatred – it is awesome to witness this excess of fear for a genuine existential threat. You .. must .. destroy .. her!!!!!!! It is also famously weak to be a Obamabot & point to “MsPalin’s thin resume and lack of experience”. And David, just what do YOU know of the “BushDoctrine”? Unless you’re a regular reader of CharlesKrauthammer, who coined the term(see Wikipedia), 1 isn’t going to be up on it that `theDubyaDoc’ has evolved thru 4 definitions. I wouldn’t have been able to answer. And CharlieGibson didn’t have the correct definition either! So to pimp Palin just shows not that she is unqualified – but that theNYT is small.
And at the bottom of theNYTimes op-ed, it remarks about “… the deep economic distress at home.” — Other than this LehmanBros BearSterns MerrillLynch-thang where managers made exquisitely-bad decisions giving $$ to people w/ bad credit – mind you, the same folks that five years ago the Democrats dearly dearly dearly wanted to help enjoy the boons of homeownership – I think most of the bad econo-news is the liberals bloviating something that isn’t there. O! declared we are in “the most serious financial crisis since theGreatDepression.” !!!! What do I take as proof that this is bullshit? .. The DrudgeReport tonite sez O! is hosting a mass dinner in BeverlyHills costing attendees … $28500 apiece!!!!!!!!! Are-you-kiddin’-me? “… serious financial crisis …” & he jacks some crowd of hypocrites for an anticipated $9mill in 1 evening? ????????