DeadBase Returns! And we’re looking for a little help from our friends
We’re back! Or at least we’re thinking about it… By popular demand we are in the process of determining the feasibility of publishing a new edition of DeadBase and are looking for some help. While a totally revised DBXII is still a possibility for the future, right now we are considering putting out a reprint of DBXI with an appendix of corrections and additions to the setlists. While we are looking into the logistics of printing and distribution (can you say Amazon?) we are putting the word out to gather missing data.
That’s where you come in. We know that folks have found errors in the setlists since the last version of DeadBase came out in 1999, and we want to include a list of corrections in the new book. All proposed changes will be reviewed and evaluated, and contributors will be acknowledged in the new edition.
Please send corrections along with rationale / justification to:
Thank you!
Stu Nixon for DeadBase
Greetings Stu,
Great to see you updating the Base. Should be easier now with everyone having access to a computer & the internet. Hope to catch up with you guys soon at a show.
Many Blessings,
WELCOME BACK!!!!!! I have added much to my tape collection since the last edition. I will soon start sending corrections/addendums. kEEP GRATEFUL DEADDING JIMMIE
Yo…how is John Scott ?
Please at least do a reprint!
The prices online for used copies clearly show you have a market! I would happily pre-subscribe to help it go.