Flying east. Pray for better weather!

I’m about to leave for SFO. Flights appear to be going as scheduled, and the weather appears to be mellowing some. Here are the dates for this tour. More info at

Thursday, January 9, 8pm: The Focal Point, 2720 Sutton Blvd, Maplewood MO $10 advance, $15 at the door.

Friday, January 10: House concert in Oxford OH. Potluck at 6, music at 7.Suggested donation $15. Email me for info/reservation.

Saturday, January 11, 7:30pm: Plain Folk Cafe, 10177 State Route 132, Pleasant Plain OH

Sunday, January 12: House concert in Delaware OH. Potluck at 6, music at 7. Suggested donation $15. Email me for info/reservation.

Tuesday, January 14: Rumpke Mountain Boys and DG at Stanley’s, Cincinnati OH

Wednesday, January 15: Rumpke Mountain Boys and DG at Beachland Ballroom, Cleveland OH

Thursday, January 16: Rumpke Mountain Boys and DG at Frankie’s Inner City, Toledo OH

Friday, January 17: Rumpke Mountain Boys and DG at the Mousetrap, Indianapolis IN

Saturday, January 18: Rumpke Mountain Boys and DG at Woodlands, Columbus OH

Sunday, January 19: Rumpke Mountain Boys and DG at Lamasco Bar and Grill, 1331 West Franklin Street, Evansville IN

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