We knew this was coming. The new owners are taking over at WNKU, and all their current programming – including the GD Hour – will cease after this week.
Cincinnati-area listeners, is there another radio station that might be interested?
You still have Ramblin’ Rob’s Greatest Story Ever Told, Thursdays 8-10pm on WAIF 88.3
Current station list is here.
I’m doing a show on (internet) radio called Dead in cincinnati, whre we explore each show that the Dead played in Cincy. I’m working on the 76 show, then three great 80’s shows, and an interview with Jim Tarbell who brought GD to Hyde Park Teen Center in ’68. You can find the shows in the asrchive at herechannelradio.com, just look for Dead in Cincinnati. The shows are free, here’s a promo: http://herechannelradio.com/31c06c8a-c6ba-414a-b46d-b7f26dabbd2b