Jon Carroll on respecting women

Jon Carroll writes, in his San Francisco Chronicle column today: I was an adult when the women’s movement started. Like all men my age, I’ve had to learn to adapt and change according to new information received. Yeah, it was a surprise to me that some of my “compliments” were in fact unwelcome. But I … Read more

Save Us from the Saved

Jon Carroll in today’s San Francisco Chronicle: Marco Rubio is a Tea Party Republican and a senator from Florida. He is mentioned as one of the hopes of the party for 2016. Recently he was asked an interesting question by Michael Hainey of GQ magazine: “How old do you think the Earth is?” This was … Read more

“Bribing for votes” my ass

Jon Carroll in today’s SF Chronicle: I think people voted for Obama for other reasons, and I think the Republican Party should try to understand the electoral victory in terms of what the voters believed about why they were voting. Far from being selfish, I think a lot of it was altruism. It was people … Read more

The WELL abides

San Francisco Chronicle columnist Jon Carroll is my friend and neighbor, here in Oakland and also in cyberspace. Here is his column about our online home, The WELL, which recently survived a major challenge and is now owned by a group of its users. We’re both hoping to bring some smart, articulate, curious, and generous … Read more

Romney the Plutocrat

Jon Carroll: The pillaging of this nation by investment bankers and their ilk is a national disgrace. The failure of the government to prosecute a large percentage of the offenders is distressing. Even worse is the notion that the tax laws are written in such a way that they allow people like Mitt Romney to … Read more