Enough with the anti-gay bigotry

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell has taken a deserved beating in the courts recently, but the posturing, pandering putzim in DC aren’t gonna give up any time soon. I’m talkin’ to you, John “I Never called myself a Maverick, except in the title of my autobiography and a few zillion campaign ads” McCain. Jon Carroll in … Read more

“I want my America Back”

San Francisco Chronicle columnist Jon Carroll has been on a roll for days, and today he hits it out of the park again: We’ve all seen the video images of the health care town hall meetings that have been disrupted by organized mobs attempting to shut off debate…. One image in particular struck me: A … Read more

The United States of Torture

From today’s Jon Carroll column: I have heard the arguments in favor of increased prisoner abuse. This is a new kind of war with an enemy that kills civilians without mercy. This enemy has bombed the World Trade Center; it bombed nightclubs in Indonesia when the discos were crowded; it bombed subways in London at … Read more

Another great Jon Carroll column

Basically, we’re screwed. The Congress was supposed to save us from the executive branch, and the Supreme Court was supposed to save us from both, and now all three are playing some game that does not involve protecting citizens, spending money wisely or making sense.

The Projection Party, projecting

Jon Carroll in today’s San Francisco Chronicle: Y’all have probably heard about this dispute surrounding Plan B, the so-called “morning after” pill …. Plan B is a contraceptive, and there are people who don’t like contraceptives…. Janet Woodcock, who is the deputy operations commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, apparently told a group of … Read more

Family values

Jon Carroll, in today’s San Francisco Chronicle, offers a very angry and personal take on the latest front in the culture wars: “gay adoption.” According to the Catholic News Service, “Catholic Charities of the Boston Archdiocese announced March 10 that it will stop providing adoption services rather than continue to comply with a state law … Read more

Jon Carroll re the WOSD

Jon Carroll speaks sensibly about the War on Some Drugs again. He starts off with a riff on The Law of Unintended Consequences, and then quotes a story from the New York Times: “The drop in home-cooked methamphetamine has been met by a new flood of crystal methamphetamine coming largely from Mexico. Sometimes called ice, … Read more

Jon Carroll on domestic surveillance etc.

In today’s column in the San Francisco Chronicle, regarding the revelations about the Bush administration spying on American citizens in blatant and unashamed violation fo the Constitution, Jon Carroll writes: ….what I can’t get is the Bush administration’s hysterical reaction to the revelations. A presidential spokesman named Trent Duffy said, “The fact that al Qaeda’s … Read more