Debuting a new song this Saturday

I’m performing on Sedge Thomson’s West Coast Live this Saturday, two songs in the two-hour show that airs 10am to noon PDT. It’s on KALW 91.7 in the Bay Area and on other stations as well (see station list).

Because they’re broadcasting from the Ferry Building farmers’ market in San Francisco, I was asked to do two songs about food. I’ll be doing Steve Goodman‘s “Chicken Cordon Bleus,” and I gave myself an assignment to write a new song for the occasion.

I’m about 90% there, I’d say, but the last bit is proving to be the hardest. I’ve got two more nights to work on it, though, and I will have something to present on Saturday morning even if it has to continue evolving afterwards.

The title might be “The Bounty from the County.”

My wife, Rita, is my co-author on this one: she is the produce maven in the house, and she has given me many colorful fruit and vegetable names and much information on what items happen in each season, etc.

I am very much under the influence of Steve Goodman in this process. Goodman was a huge influence on me when I was a pup, and I’m steeped in his music again as I interview the author of his biography online at

(By the way, if you’re in the Bay Area you can attend the WCL show.)

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