KPFA Grateful Dead marathon 2/9/08

Playlist and program notes…

Down to EugeneDavid Gans (unreleased)

Barack Obama on video tape
Playing in the Band->
Brown-Eyed Women
Deadheads for Obama 2/4/08

Smokestack Lightning – Grateful Dead, Dick’s Picks vol. 30 (3/25/72)

The DeadNet store is donating 10% of all Dick’s Picks sales to KPFA today. Click here to browse the 36 Dick’s Picks titles.

Promised Land
Me and My Uncle
Jack Straw
Row Jimmy
Lazy Lightnin’->
Good Lovin’
Ship of Fools
The Music Never Stopped
Grateful Dead 5/3/77 Palladium, New York City

Phone interview with Gary McKinney, author of Slipknot – A mystery featuring Sheriff Gavin Pruitt, Deadhead.

You can have a copy of Slipknot for a $60 pledge to KPFA. 510-848-5732, 1-800-439-5732, or pledge online.

Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues – Grateful Dead 10/15/94 Madison Square Garden, New York City

Minglewood BluesDeadheads for Obama 2/4/08

Bird SongNew Monsoon w/ Dan Lebowitz 8/1/08 Vancouver BC

New Monsoon is playing the Fillmore tonight, with guests Mark Karan and Tim Carbone.

The Monkey and the Engineer – Jesse Fuller, The Lone Cat

Interview with Jodie NewDelman, publisher of Monkey and the Engineer

The Monkey and the EngineerMother McCree’s Uptown Jug Champions

Sugaree – Grateful Dead, Road Trips vol 1 no 2 (Fall 1977)

This two-disc set plus bonus disc can be yours for a $90 pledge to KPFA

Greatest Story Ever Told
Cold Rain and Snow
Chinatown Shuffle
Black-Throated Wind
You Win Again
Mr. Charlie
Jack Straw
Grateful Dead 3/26/72 Academy of Music, New York City

Interview with Bill Cutler
Bill Cutler
Bill Cutler. Photo by Stuart Steinhardt

Rockingham Mill
Ridin’ High
Engine 99
Sailin’ Man
Starlite Jamboree
Bill Cutler, Crossing the Line

Like a Rolling Stone – Mystery Tramps (produced by Bill Cutler)

Looks Like Rain
Grateful Dead 3/26/72 Academy of Music, New York City

Jerry plays pedal steel guitar and Phil sings harmony on “Looks Like Rain”!

Phil:”That’s Keith. He’s our new piano player. He’s been with us for quite a while now – part of the family, you might say. Actually, he’s our old piano player – we just didn’t know it for a long time.”

Big Railroad Blues
Big Boss Man
Playing in the Band
Grateful Dead 3/26/72 Academy of Music, New York City

Kevin Geraghty-Shewan pointed out that you can download today’s marathon in two-hour sections from the KPFA archive

El Paso
Good Lovin’
Grateful Dead 3/26/72 Academy of Music, New York City

“Good Lovin'” restarted TWICE due to a CD player malfunction. I am so very sorry! Working on the problem.

Dark Star – Grateful Dead 10/20/90 Berlin, Germany

Phil Lesh, Bob Weir, Mickey Hart press conference 2/4/08 regarding Deadheads for Obama concert.

Summer of Love 40th anniversary poster premium: see this web site for the images.

Deadheads for Obama 2/4/08

Good Lovin’Grateful Dead 3/26/72 Academy of Music, New York City

The problem was with the CD I burned last night. This one is working fine- which means I will be able to broadcast the rest of this great show, too!

Feel Like a Stranger – Grateful Dead 12/8/89 Great Western Forum, Inglewood CA

Casey Jones
High Time
Dire Wolf
– Jerry Garcia home demos, circa late 1969

Very special thanks to Peter Brydon of Barlovento Chocolates. Peter was a printer before he was a chocolatier; he brought both of his products for us today: a mint -condition Jerry on Broadway poster that he printed in 1987 (which was already claimed for a $200 donation), and an assortment of his chocolates for the phone room staff. My favorite is the Venezuelan dark chocolate bar with Fleur de Sel! Please visit the Barlovento Chocolates web site and check out their story and their products.

China Cat Sunflower->
I Know You Rider
Feel Like a Stranger->
Comes a Time
– Grateful Dead 5/10/80 Hartford Civic Center

Taking a 30-minute break for the KPFA evening news. Back at 6:30 PST

St. Stephen The Waybacks with Bob Weir 12/15/07 Warfield Theater, San Francisco (Rex Foundation benefit)

No Better WayDonna Jean and the Tricksters

Get this wonderful new CD for a $60 pledge to KPFA

Estimated Prophet->
He’s Gone->
Uncle John’s Band
– Grateful Dead 5/10/80 Hartford Civic Center

Phone Room Volunteers
Phone room volunteers. Photo by Stuart Steinhardt

Might as Well Grateful Dead 5/3/77 Palladium, New York City

Phone interview with Bob Weir

Estimated Prophet
Samson and Delilah
Friend of the Devil
Grateful Dead 5/3/77 Palladium, New York City

Grand Bakery
Bob Jaffe of the Grand Bakery stopped by with a bunch of great cookies for the volunteers! Photo by Stuart Steinhardt

Anybody here a member of the Jerome’s Place trading community? Todd Sanders of Coachella CA will match any contributions from JP’s members between now and 10pm pacific time. Please call 510-848-5732 or 1-800-439-5732, or pledge online and mention JP’s in the comments field. At 10pm we’ll tally up the donations and hit Todd with the bill!

Eyes of the World->
Wharf Rat->
Not Fade Away->
Around and Around
Uncle John’s Band – Grateful Dead 5/3/77 Palladium, New York City

Iko IkoGrateful Dead 5/27/89 Oakland Stadium (with Clarence Clemons, saxophone; AIDS benefit)

The Other One->
Me and My Uncle->
The Other One->
Wharf Rat
Sugar Magnolia
The Stranger (Two Souls in Communion)
Not Fade Away->
Goin’ Down the Road Feelin’ Bad->
Not Fade Away
Grateful Dead 3/26/72 Academy of Music, New York City

Easy to Love YouGrateful Dead 10/27/79 Cape Cod Coliseum, South Yarmouth MA

Cowboy Movie #4 – David Crosby, Jerry Garcia, Neil Young, Phil Lesh, Michael Shrieve (outtake from If I Could Only Remember My Name sessions)

Stella BlueGrateful Dead 12/31/79 Oakland Auditorium

China Cat Sunflower->
I Know You Rider
Grateful Dead 2/9/73 Roscoe Maples Pavilion, Stanford University, Palo Alto CA

Dark StarGrateful Dead 4/13/69 Boulder CO

Terrapin Grateful Dead 9/18/87 Madison Square Garden, New York City

Good Night IreneGrateful Dead rehearsal 9/27/90

27 thoughts on “KPFA Grateful Dead marathon 2/9/08”

  1. I hope so too. DNC can’t do things in “real time” Its easier to follow the conversations here much like using one of those instant messenger programs. and that wouls solve the problem, if we had a single host to post our comments…

  2. Does anyone know if it is still possible to get Dick’s Pics as discs? All I see on the website is downloads. I’m ready to round out my collection and help David/KPFA but I’d much prefer to have discs.

  3. I’m sure they are selling the discs. I haven’t checked the site and right now I am dealing with some major distractions, but I’m sure they are selling discs!

  4. I guess #s 25 & 36 are available only as downloads. How about this, if anyone has those available in good condition and is willing to sell them to me, I’ll match the original price for them as a contribution to KPFA.

  5. I had the pleasure to see wavy’s last birthday party show last year in SF w/ kimock, chris robinson, baby gramps, melvin seals, and Martin Fierro among tons of others. Man!!! Martin blew somehorn man, that guy is unbelievable…made me go back and listen to a ton of LOM, official releases and various other things. you gotta see him play if you haven’t.
    so…got any of my man martin at wavy’s show? or LOM? or even better…suprise me.

    -also any of that old sonic mash up stuff that david did would be cool, “make your $100 vow of faith NOW…it’s not to me…it’s to God”…sure.

    thanks everyone.

  6. Greetings again to all Deadheads from Sydney, Australia on a sunny Sunday afternoon. This is my 4th? Marathon and it’s great to part of a certain kind of global village. With all this talk of Deadheads for Obama – we have just changed our government to one which is on a much more human level, e.g. the new Parliament opens this week and there will be an official Government apology to our Aboriginal people for their suffering on Wednesday (Tuesday your time), something the previous rotten government refused to do for 12 years. Just as Howard & Bush were on the same conservative trip, so will PM Kevin Rudd and President Obama be kindred spirits on the liberal side of politics. But it’s time for you guys to do your half of the equation – so GET OUT AND VOTE! NO EXCUSES THIS TIME.

  7. Right on, mate, and good on you folks for dumping your clown. (Yeah, “clown” is putting it much too nicely, but I’ve used up my four-letter word allotment.)

  8. Hey David. Great stuff. Just bought something from the GD online store but the invoice date says 2/10. This normal? Just want to make sure 10% goes to KPFA. Damn, just love this Sugaree. Thanks man!

  9. Hi Drew. We had nearly 12 years of using old and inventing new 4 letter words for the “clown.” GWB called him “the man of steel” (which in Russian translates as “Stalin”! – how appropriate) but in the end, John Winston Howard lost his government, his party leadership, his Prime Ministership, and even his own seat in the House of Representatives (which has only happened once before to a PM). Let that be a lesson to the clowns in your White House!

    Isn’t this 1977 stuff great?!

  10. Hi right back atcha, John. I fear our current clowns will retire in comfort and oblivion — which is better than some posssible outcomes, but much less than they deserve.

    This whole day of music has been incredible. Hey David, let’s do this more often! (Ducking.)

  11. Thanks for all of it, David; you’re nearly as amazing as the music. The Jerry home demos were a real treat, and there have been many memorable moments from the ’70s. Thanks also for the “Bluegrass Signal” plug; and, yes, you got the time and frequency correct! Onward …

  12. Great Marathon! Didn’t realize it was going on today but caught the tail end of it thanks to the stream. Thanks for all your hard work, David. You must have some idea of how much you’re appreciated by deadheads all around the world.
    Peace and love from South Korea!

  13. Thanks for a Grate day of music David.

    I’m looking forward to listening to the archived sections that I couldn’t be there for live.



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