This message came from the Folk Alliance Western Region mailing list, by way of Bruce Hayden. If you don’t know who Utah Phillips is, educate yourself – the man is a national treasure. And check out his collaborations with Ani DiFranco, too.
From: Steve Baker [program director of KVMR Nevada City CA]
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2008 5:31 PM
Subject: Utah Phillips Won’t Get Heart TransplantFolksinger/storyteller/activist U. Utah Phillips announced in a courageous, consciously honest statement aired Friday on KVMR that he will not undergo a transplant for his ailing heart.
“My body — given the risks and my age — won’t do a transplant… period,” he said. “I know the way this is working is that I won’t live as long as I would if I had a heart transplant, but, believe me, it’s for the best.”
The legendary performer has been at Sierra Pacific Hospital in San Francisco for the past week. He’s faced a variety of health challenges in recent weeks and months, and his health has been of great concern to his fans, the folk music community, labor union comrades and activists of many stripes.
The decision to forego a transplant was made Wednesday, according to Utah’s podcast that was recorded Thursday night. He was still hopeful of leaving the hospital in a couple days.
“Yesterday (Wednesday) was a day of extreme honesty with myself,” said Utah. “And the time I’m going to go home and have is my time. And I’ll try to use it as well as I can. I have songs in me and stories in me.
I’m not done yet, so stick with me.”
The “Golden Voice of the Great Southwest” says he’s looking forward to getting home, where he’ll work on a book with wife Joanna Robinson and “anything I can do on the phone” for Hospitality House, the Peace Center of Nevada County and other causes close to him.
Phillips has had heart problems for over a dozen years but worked on his health to continue to do a limited touring schedule — until last summer when his condition forced him to retire from the road entirely.
To hear Utah explain his condition in his own voice via podcast (11/7 edition):
For an update on his condition from his son, Duncan, and to leave a good well wish or comment:
https://utahphillips.blogspot.comTo send him a get well wish via mail: Utah Phillips, PO Box 1235, Nevada City CA 95959