Grabbed this from a post on DeadNet:
Tonight’s the night (4/2/2008)! WNCW‘s “Jar of Jam” fundraiser hits the airwaves tonight starting at 9PM Eastern (8 Central, 7 Mountain, 6 Pacific). David Gans’ Grateful Dead Hour is followed by WNCW’s own Dead Air (10PM – 2AM Eastern) and Cousin IT’s Boot Shoppe.
Please call (800) 245-8870 during GDH or go online after 10 PM Eastern at to support WNCW and its deep commitment to the music of the Grateful Dead.
Let us know you’re out there listening. Please join WNCW and keep the Jar of Jam opened up and satisfying your appetite each Wednesday night. Your support of WNCW’s programming will help keep The Dead alive on the airwaves and streaming on the Internet.
Tune in, turn on, but don’t drop out. Public radio – and WNCW Spindale – need you.