Listen to this clip of John McCain on The Daily Show Wednesday 5/7.
“I think that [Hamas] is a transcendent evil that wants to destroy everything we stand for and believe in, and I don’t think it’s based on, frankly, individuals, as it is that they are just the exact mirror opposite of everything we stand for and believe in….”
This is extremist talk. This is not the sort of thing we want to hear from our president. This is the sort of thing we’ve been hearing from the current president, and look at the mess we are in all over the world.
If John McCain believe what he is saying, he is a fanatic and should not be elected president. If he doesn’t believe what he is saying, he is a pandering politician and should not be elected president.
A careful reading of McCain’s positions and speeches over the course of his public life shows that he is way more of a “flip-flopper” than John Kerry ever was.
We need a statesman in the White House. We need an intelligent, constructive mind. We need something other than the Republican travesty that has destroyed America’s standing in the world and is destroying its own people, too.
Is Barack Obama that statesman? I sure hope so. John McCain most certainly is not.
You should have seen him on O’Reilly the other night. McCain doesn’t want to drill in ANWAR; because NOBODY LIVES THERE. Hillarious indeed. He would rather build more oil platforms off the coast of California and Florida; where they’ll become an eyesore for milllions of angry voters, who won’t give up their cars either. And then he called himself a Teddy Roosevelt style envonmentalist.
Ha, ha, ha. Critics can’t make these things up. Politicians often provide them with some crazy bullshit that can be used in commercials…