Hope, popularity, and politics
Now, from across the aisle: WHAT THE FUCK IS THE MATTER WITH THESE PEOPLE? Is John McCain running for student body president at a junior high school? This is from Talking Points Memo: John McCain campaign manager Rick Davis: “Barack Obama has more fans across the world than Paris Hilton does.” How is it a … Read more
Quote of the day
From Doug Otto, in semi-private correspondence: > The bottom line to me is that McCain = Bush And that’s the cliff where we all stand, peering over the side. Unfortunately, many in this country still have their doubts about gravity.
The hug
I went to see the president He had a bruise on his shoulder where big business places its thumb His breath was powerful, and he reeked of compromise – Jeb Puryear (Donna the Buffalo) Let’s keep this image front and center between now and November: The body language seems creepy to me, and weirdly reminiscent … Read more
McCain: extremist
Listen to this clip of John McCain on The Daily Show Wednesday 5/7. “I think that [Hamas] is a transcendent evil that wants to destroy everything we stand for and believe in, and I don’t think it’s based on, frankly, individuals, as it is that they are just the exact mirror opposite of everything we … Read more