I was accidentally subjected to NBC11‘s 11pm news coverage of the California Supreme Court’s decision (PDF) in support of gay marriage. Jeeziz.
First, we have Tom Sinkovitz confronting SF Mayor Gavin Newsom about the political ramifications, after explaining that the mayor is “eyeing a run for governor.” Newsom gave a fairly convincing STFU answer: “This is about affirming people’s lives, celebrating human dignity…. It doesn’t always have to be about politics….”
Then they showed a newspaper photo of Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon, who have been together for more than 50 years, and noted that Newsom invited them to be the first gay couple to be married. Surely the Bay Area’s Leading “News” station could have found some B-roll on the famous lesbians, if they had just poked around a bit!
Then anchor Lisa Kim explained that “six out of the seven justices… were elected [sic] by Republican governors,” by way of introducing an interview w/ Schwa. The governor twice vetoed legislation that would have allowed same-sex marriage, but he opposes the proposed constitutional amendment.
Reporter Diane Dywer to Arnold: “It seems to me like you’re flip-flopping on the issue.”
“Not at all,” replies the governor.
Back to the studio. “Still ahead, more of Diane’s exclusive interview with the governor on gay marriage.”
Then they switched to a story of runaway cows in the east bay.
Later, Dywer again: “How do you feel, personally, about gay marriage?”
Schwa: “I think it’s perfectly fine with me.”
Dwyer, in voice-over: “Perfectly fine with him. So does he now support gay marriage?”
To the gov: “Are you for or against gay marriage?”
Schwa: “I have no problem with it.”
Dwyer: “You won’t answer the question.”
Schwa: “I have no problem with it.”
Dwyer: [laughs} “Do you do this to your wife at home?”
Schwa: “What?”
Dwyer: [giggles, plays with hair] “Not answer the questions.”
[blah blah]
Finally: “I don’t have a problem with it. I’m against it, but I have no problem with it.”
Dwyer: “So he doesn’t support the efforts of a constitutional ban on gay marriage, and gay rights advocates may thank him for that. But you heard him: he is still against gay marriage – make no mistake.”
This is journalism?
Those fundies are more than just hung up on that “M” word. Their next initiative will also ban Vermont style civil unions and repeal those domestic partnerships.
Your marriage isn’t gonna fall apart if a few queers tie the knot. Your relationships are on the rocks; because you screwed it up all by your selves.