Scary, stupid people
“He’s got the bloodlines.” Chilling.
A weekly audio postcard from the wide musical world of America’s best-loved band!
“He’s got the bloodlines.” Chilling.
From Nicole Belle on Crooks and Liars: If this isn’t instructive of how seriously the Republicans take the “War on Terrorâ€â„¢ and the horrible economic situation that their policies have put us in, I don’t know what does. The RK blog found this lovely gem. On Friday’s Fourth of July parade in Scottsville, VA, Democratic … Read more
Two great ads promoting Republican “family values” – starring David Vitter and Larry Craig.
One of my favorite political blogs is Digby‘s. She pays attention to what’s going on and always write with clarity, depth, and compassion from pretty much the same spot on the political spectrum where I stand. Here’s an excerpt from a post she made this evening, which amplifies something I said extemporaneously on the air … Read more